
How To Update Magic Mirror To Latest Version

MagicMirror Module: MMM-Strava

A MagicMirror Module for displaying your Strava data.

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Table mode screenshot Chart mode screenshot

The module displays activity information in one of two modes

  • table mode, which displays a tabular array showing the number of activities, the total distance and (for contempo period simply) the number of achievements.
  • chart mode, which displays the total distance, moving time and height gain aslope a chart showing the full distance grouped by
    • day (for recent period),
    • month (for ytd period),
    • year (for all menstruum).

In addition you tin can configure the following options

  • Which activities (and the order activities) should be displayed.
  • Which stats should be displayed.
    • The number of activities (count).
    • The total distance (distance).
    • The total elevation gain (elevation).
    • The full moving time for the flow. (moving_time).
    • The total elapsed fourth dimension for the menses. (elapsed_time).
    • The full number of achievements (achievements) - in table mode, only available for recent catamenia).
  • Which menstruum to display stats for your activities:
    • "recent" - concluding 4 weeks in tabular array mode or electric current week in chart mode.
    • "ytd" - current year to date.
    • "all" - all fourth dimension.
  • Which chartType should be used in chart fashion:
    • "bar" - a simple bar chart.
    • "radial" - a radial histogram Beta.
  • The firstYear to group activities by in chart fashion when the period is "all".
  • Whether the module should auto_rotate through the different periods, and the updateInterval between rotations. (only applicable in table mode).
  • The units (miles/anxiety or kilometres/metres) used to display the full distance and top gain statistics.
  • The locale used for determining the engagement (day or month) labels in nautical chart mode and number format in both modes.
  • The number of decimal digits displayed for the total distance and elevation gain statistics.


  1. Stop your MagicMirror and clone the repository into the modules folder

                      cd                  ~/MagicMirror/modules git clone                  cd                  ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-Strava npm install --production
  2. Create a Strava API Application and note the client_id and client_secret

    • Browse to your My API Awarding page and log in to Strava if prompted.
    • Brand certain the callback domain matches the IP accost (or URL) used to admission the MagicMirror.
    • Make a note of the client_id and client_secret
  3. Add the module to the config file (~/MagicMirror/config/config.js) for your mirror.

    modules:                  [                  {                  module:                  "MMM-Strava"                  ,                  position:                  "top_right"                  ,                  config:                  {                  client_id:                  "your_strava_client_id"                  ,                  client_secret:                  "your_strava_api_client_secret"                  }                  }                  ]                  ;                

    The full listing of config options tin exist constitute in the configuration options table.

  4. Restart the MagicMirror

  5. Authenticate the module to allow access to the Strava API.

    • Browse to the Strava authentication page: http://localhost:8080/MMM-Strava/auth/ - the exact URL may vary depending on your configuration.
    • Select the module you wish to authenticate (east.g. module_4_MMM-Strava) and click/tap Authorise -The number of the modules will vary depending on your configuration.
    • On the Strava Authority page, select the level of access you wish to give to the Magic Mirror, and click/tap Qualify - the module requires at least View information nigh your public profile and View information about your activities but information technology's up to you whether you desire to let access to individual activities.
    • Once the successful authorisation message appears, restart your Magic Mirror.

Updating the module

To update the module to the latest version,

  1. Pull the changes from this repository into the MMM-Strava folder:

                      cd                  ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-Strava git pull npm install --product
  2. Update your config file to remove the strava_id and access_token options and add the new client_id and client_secret options - See steps two and 4 in the installation notes.

Please Note Following the changes to Strava'southward authentication model, the client_id and client_secret must be included in the config in identify of the deprecated strava_id and access_token options.

If y'all haven't changed the module, this should work without whatever issues. If y'all take a problem, yous can reset the module using git reset --difficult, after which git pull should exist possible. You lot may wish to use git status to see whatever changes before doing and then.

Configuration options

The following properties tin be added to the configuration:

Pick Default Description Possible Values
client_id Required - The Client ID for your Strava API Awarding, obtained from your My API Application folio.
client_secret Required - The Client Secret for your Strava API Application, obtained from your My API Awarding page.
manner table Optional - Determines which manner should be used to brandish activeness information. "tabular array", "chart"
chartType Beta bar Optional - Determines the blazon of chert which should be displayed in chart. "bar", "radial"
activities ["ride", "run", "swim"] Optional - Determines which activities to display and in which club they are displayed. Note: - The activities can exist listed in any social club, and but one is required. However, they must exist entered as an array of strings i.e. comma separated values within foursquare brackets. In table mode: "ride", "run", "swim"
In chart manner: "alpineski", "backcountryski", "canoeing", "crossfit", "ebikeride", "elliptical", "golf", "handcycle", "hike", "iceskate", "inlineskate", "kayaking", "kitesurf", "nordicski", "ride", "rockclimbing", "rollerski", "rowing", "run", "canvas", "skateboard", "snowboard", "snowshoe", "soccer", "stairstepper", "standuppaddling", "surfing", "swim", "velomobile", "virtualride", "virtualrun", "walk", "weighttraining", "wheelchair", "windsurf", "workout", "yoga"
period recent Optional - What menstruum should exist used to summarise the activities in table and chart mode. contempo = final iv weeks in table fashion or electric current week in chart mode, ytd = year to engagement, all = all time
stats In table style: ["count", "distance", "achievements"]
In nautical chart mode: ["distance", "moving_time", "meridian"]
Optional - Determines which statistics to display.
Note: - The stats can be listed in any order, and only one is required. However, they must be entered as an array of strings i.eastward. comma separated values within square brackets.
"count", "altitude", "elevation", "moving_time", "elapsed_time", "achievements"
auto_rotate faux Optional - Whether the summary of activities should rotate through the different periods in table mode. true = rotates the summary through the different periods, faux = displays the specified period only.
units config.units Optional - What units to use. Specified by config.js config.units = Specified past config.js, metric = Kilometres/Metres, royal = Miles/Feet
updateInterval 10000 (10 seconds) Optional - How ofttimes does the period have to change? (Milliseconds). 1000 - 86400000
reloadInterval 300000 (five minutes) Optional - How ofttimes does the data needs to be reloaded from the API? (Milliseconds). See Strava documentation for API rate limits 7500 - 86400000
animationSpeed 2500 Optional - The speed of the update animation. (Milliseconds) 0 - 5000
locale config.linguistic communication Optional - The locale to be used for displaying dates - east.thousand. the days of the week or months or the year in chart mode. If omitted, the config.language will be used. eastward.g. en, en-gb, fr etc
debug imitation Optional - Outputs extended logging to the panel/log truthful = enables extended logging, false = disables extended logging
digits 1 Optional - Digits for total altitude and elevation gain statistics 0 - ...
firstYear 5 years before the electric current date. Optional - The commencement year activities should be grouped by in nautical chart fashion when the catamenia is "all". 0 - ...


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